Plumbers 75 Health Fund
Your health center gives you access to low to no-cost quality primary care and services. Schedule your first appointment today!
Low to no-cost primary care for employees, spouses and dependents (ages 2+).

About Your Health Center Benefit
CareATC works with your employer to provide low or no-cost, high-quality medical care for you and your family including primary care visits, prescription management, lab tests and more. CareATC health centers are not open to the general public so you receive greater access to quality care when you need it most. No more long waits in a crowded waiting room or feeling rushed during your appointment. Your personal health information is never shared with your employer and is 100% safe, secure and protected by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Finally, full service primary care you can feel good about.
Important Links & Documents
Available Services
Eligible members get access to comprehensive medical care that includes primary care visits, prescription management, lab tests and more.
Low to No-Cost Primary Care
Example list of conditions that can be addressed at your health center: Allergies • Asthma • Congestion, Cough or Sore Throat • Cold, Flu or Fever • High Blood Pressure • High Cholesterol • Lab Work/Tests • Minor Burns • Personal Health Assessments (biometric screening) • Nausea or Abdominal Pain • Tobacco Cessation • Wellness Exams/Physicals • Well Woman Exams • Sprains or Minor Fractures
No-Cost Generic Medications
Example list of generic medication categories that are available to you at your health center: Allergies, Antacids, Anti-inflammatory/Pain, Antibiotic, Anticonvulsant, Antidepressant, Antiemetic, Antifungal, Antiviral, Cholesterol, Diabetes, Hypertension, Pulmonary, Steroid, Thyroid.
No-Cost Labs
Your CareATC benefit gives you access to important tests like blood work, cholesterol checks, and diabetes screenings. By offering these services at no cost, you can get quick, accurate results so your provider can better manage your health without added costs.
How to Prepare for Your Visit
Access 24/7 appointment scheduling, prescription refills and more.
Locations & Hours
Greenfield Clinic
4600 W Loomis Rd, 200
Greenfield, WI 53220
Hours of Operation
Monday - Thursday
8:00am - 12:00pm | 1:00pm - 5:00pm
7:00am - 11:00am | 12:00pm - 4:00pm
4th Saturday Every Month (previous Wednesday will be 8am - 12pm)
7:00am - 11:00am
Germantown Clinic
W177N9856 Rivercrest Dr, 250
Germantown, WI 53022
Hours of Operation
Monday - Thursday
8:00am - 12:00pm | 1:00pm - 5:00pm
7:00am - 11:00am | 12:00pm - 4:00pm
2nd Saturday Every Month (previous Wednesday will be 8am - 12pm)
7:00am - 11:00am

Schedule an Appointment
Put your wellness first with pointed prevention, early intervention, and our elevated standards of care.